Wednesday 10 April 2013

Enemy Smarts

Mutiny AI

The AI in my game are going to be enemy pirates and Skeletal Pirates who are hunting the same treasure as the player.

All Enemies

  • The enemy will have a large patrol path that will loop so that the various AI units look like they’re searching the location

  • AI will respond to sound, if they are close enough to hear your footsteps then they may deviate from their path to look for the players last known location. From further away they may hear your weapon fire and combat.

  • Because I don’t want enemies to be out of ammo when engaging the player, they will have unlimited reloads but when reloading will find the nearest location that is out of the players line of sight (take cover). Taking cover can be removed for an easier difficulty.


  • Pirate AI are hostile to not only the player, but all other pirates and skeletons as well since they are all after the same treasure. To avoid all opponents from killing each other before the player sees them, this feature will only activate when the player is within range of the pirates that have detected each other. This will mean the player has a chance to see it happen and can choose to sit back or join in. However the range from the player that allows combat between npc’s to occur must be far enough away that the player never sees them ignore each other, but not so far that things die before the players sees or hears the sound of combat.

  • Areas will have varying levels of light and if the player stands in a dark corner a pirate who walks past at a distance and DIDN’T already have sight, they won’t see the player. However if the pirate gets close enough or was chasing and had sight of the player when it entered the dark spot then they can see you still.

  • Pirates using ranged weapons will only get as close to the player as they need to be in range for their weapon. Some will have longer range such as pistols and can keep good distance, other weapons such as flame throwers still won’t need them to be in melee and other weapons such as swords need to get right in close.


  • Unaffected by the lighting, they don’t even have eyeballs anymore
  • All Skeleton enemies will have swords, range will always be melee
  • Are not hostile to each other but are hostile to the player and to other Pirates as well, must still be in a certain range of the player to initiate combat with other enemies so that the player sees it happen.

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