Sunday 8 March 2015

Arena Game Project: 01

I have started this a bit late...

So yeah, I actually started this project a couple of months ago and starting a blog about it didn't actually come to mind until recently a friend of mine from Tafe asked me about it. I gotta say I felt a bit silly at not having done this already, here I am now to set this right! I have not yet used this blog to great effect, I have basically posted some of my progress while I was at Tafe but at that time I still didn't fully comprehend the full potential of maintaining a development blog. However I do now and I will begin by documenting my progress and goals as I continue to work on my new project.

This concept started simple enough.

This game is currently un-named, the basic concept involves the player controlling a character that fights waves of enemies in an arena style map. The objective is to survive the waves of opponents which is fairly straight forward, and as you do so the character gains experience and gain gains new abilities to play with.

This concept is great because when I complete it I will have some solid base combat code and by design it doesn't require an unreasonably huge amount of work to be considered complete! So here is the goals I have in mind so far.

Gameplay Objective: 

  • Rounds of enemies spawn for the player to fight, may be a large boss or swarms of small guys or both!
  • Player gains character experience for kills, And another experience from using their abilities in combat which is used to enhance skills.
  • The player can choose from a vast array of skill sets, and adjust the power behind those skills at the cost of resources (adrenaline or arcane power) and cooldown. So by increasing cooldown duration or arcane power/ adrenaline costs the player can boost the strength of an ability.
  • The player can also customise armour and weapons, the quality increasing as they gain exp in that armour or weapon type
  • Weapons and Armour, might be dropped or purchased or crafted, I am undecided, but I do want the ability to break weapons down and reforge into new stuff and repaired (weapon and armour breakage system)
  • Combat must feel smooth, targeting skills must be easy and feel natural and enemy tells easy to spot

  • Menus and HUD must be clear and easy to navigate, HUD simple and out of the way so focus is on the surroundings and not UI elements

So many ideas... Must. Avoid. Feature creep.

So I have a good idea in mind as to how the game will play out. I have a huge amount of stuff that I have planned out already but it's a lot easier to dream up another idea to add to the game than it is to actually create it so I am thinking up alot of stuff, but I am sticking to development of only the features that contribute directly to the core game first. Once the game is able to be considered complete based on the original concept will I continue with the bonus stuff.

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