Sunday 8 March 2015

Arena Game Project: 02

How has the project gone so far?

So like I said before this project is a couple of months in and I despite work I have done at Tafe where I completed a diploma in game design I have found that it was really only the beginning of my learning and there is a huge amount of techniques and skills I still need to acquire to make my games great.

That's great and all, but where are we at?

The game currently is still using some default unity assets, I have spent a good amount of time refining exactly how I want everything to work. This process sounds easy but when your considering everything at code level and then trying to implement  you often find things don't quite work how you expect or aren't as simple logically as you first thought. This isn't helped by my limited coding knowledge, however I am leaning!

Right now in game you can shoot a volley of fireballs at a target and select that target just by looking directly at it. This targeting system is great, it feels smooth and is actually quite accurate for the moment, I've even set it up so that you can lock the target so you don't lose it once you have it. All of the implemented code also leaves room for skill swapping and is even setup in a way to allow both players and enemies to access the same pool of skills, this was a bit trickier than expected but I believe I've succeeded.

Sooooo... What's next?

Particles and awesome effects. I want to know how they work so that my game can look awesome. This could wait but if I don't get at least a basic understanding then the coding work I do could make it impossible to create really cool stuff and we don't want that. So that is what I'm doing right now.

My next step once I have a grasp on particles and how I can use them to make things pretty is learning a cool system for animating characters called mechanim. This system is completely different to what I know how to do currently with animation and should really step up the quality of animation I can create once I understand it.

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